We Work For You

Vacant positions can negatively impact a company's revenue stream. Time spent seeking qualified candidates to fill a position can be costly, time-consuming, and take focus away from other important areas of your company. Mezame Group takes a unique approach to getting vacant positions filled fast and with the most qualified candidates. We work for you, so your search ends with us.

man in yellow and black stripe polo shirt and white cap sitting on brown wooden bench
man in yellow and black stripe polo shirt and white cap sitting on brown wooden bench
Statistics Say

If you feel as if you are losing the battle in finding qualified candidates, then you are not alone. Recruiting has become complex, and the stakes are high. In a recent study conducted by Careerbuilder, 75% of employers in the United States reported they have been impacted by a bad hire and 25% reported that a single bad hire left them in a $50,000 deficit.

Problem Solver

Mezame Group has built a network of qualified candidates and subcontractors ready to fill your vacancies. We have placed candidates in various industries. From business augmentation to finding subcontractors within our vast network to get what you need done.

Focus on Growth

By now you know the hiring process is expensive, and the longer a position remains open, the more expensive it becomes. It begins to feel like a revolving door. So, what is the cost-effective solution that allows managers to allocate their time back to focusing on company growth, core company functions, and encouraging employees to work efficiently? Allowing Mezame Group to fill these positions and focus on your problems for you.

Why us?

Every day a position sits vacant or work remains undone, efficiency can decrease. For a company to operate efficiently and productively, its staff must be at full capacity. We fill these positions and fulfill any needs your business may need.